RedDoor Fashion Story & Movement:
A red door has many historical meanings and cultural significance across the world from representing protection, safety, love, positive energy, and financial freedom to name a few. In the Bible, God commanded the Israelites to cover their doors with lamb's blood to protect their firstborn (Exodus 12:7-13). In Western culture, during the Civil War, red doors were used as guideposts to safe houses on the Underground Railroad, where enslaved people could find refuge. In various Eastern cultures, the door was painted red to symbolize positive energy/love (Feng Shui) and to also show their house was paid off representing financial freedom.
The RedDoor luxury brand isn't just a fashion statement, rather a movement that encourages those seeking protection, safety, love, positive energy, and financial freedom for themselves and their families. The founder of RedDoor Fashion, a real estate professional, has known the significance of the red door as he has painted many of his investment properties red for those various reasons. In addition, he has spent many years as a licensed Realtor along with his wife, a Tax Strategist, to help their clients acquire assets and reach financial freedom. They believe the greatest assets are people which help to drive the vision in launching RedDoor Fashion. It is their heart's desire that the many characteristics associated with a red door on a home manifest in your own life as you wear their RedDoor Fashion brand on and with PURPOSE!
Your purchase positively impacts communities globally as a portion of the revenue goes towards community outreach initiatives through Inc, a community based 501c.3 organization. Visit their website for details.
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